Digital Simulators

Papers In Journals

  1. J. Ren, M. Kezunovic, “Teaching Protective Relaying Design and Application Using New Modeling and Simulation Tools,” Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 2012.
  2. M. Kezunovic, “A Survey of Engineering Tools for Protective Relaying,” ELECTRA, No. 225, pp 26-30, 2006.
  3. M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, G. Huang, A. Bose, K. Tomsovic, “The Role of Digital Modeling and Simulation in Power Engineering Education,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, No.1, pp 64-72, February 2004.
  4. P.G. McLaren, C. Henville, V. Skendzic, A. Girgis, M. Sachdev, G. Benmouyal, K. Mustaphi, M. Kezunovic, Lj. Kojovic, M. Meisinger, C. Simon, T. Sidhu, R. Marttila, D. Tziouvaras, “Software Models for Relays,” IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 238-246, April 2001.
  5. M. Kezunovic, B. Kasztenny, “Design Optimization and Performance Evaluation of the Relay Algorithms, Relays and Protective Systems Using Advanced Testing Tools,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 1129-1135, October 2000.
  6. B. Kasztenny, M. Kezunovic, “A Method for Linking Different Modeling Techniques for Accurate and Efficient Simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 65-72, February 2000.
  7. D. Tziouvaras, P. McLaren, C. Alexander, D. Dawson, J. Esztergalyos, C. Fromen, M. Glinkowski, I. Hasenwinkle, M. Kezunovic, L. Kojovic, B. Kotheimer, R. Ruffel, J. Nordstrom, S. Zochol, “Mathematical Models for Current, Voltage and Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 62-72, January 2000.
  8. M. Kezunovic, Y. Guo, “Modeling and Simulation of the Power Transformer Faults and Related Protective Relay Behavior,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 44-50, January 2000.
  9. M. Kezunovic, I. Rikalo, “Automating the Analysis of Faults and Power Quality,” IEEE Computer Applications in Power, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 46-50, January 1999.
  10. M. Kezunovic, B.A. Pickett, M.G. Adamiak, G.E. Alexander, K.R. Carr, G. Chirco, J. Esztergalyos, M. Jerosolimski, W.C. Kotheimer, R. Marttila, J.L. McElray, S.M. McKenna, P.G. McLaren, R.J. Murphy, J. Nordstrom, “Digital Simulator Performance Requirements for Relay Testing,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 78-84, January 1998.
  11. M. Kezunovic, Q. Chen, “A Novel Approach for Interactive Protection System Simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 668-674, April 1997.
  12. M. Kezunovic, Y.Q. Xia, Y. Guo, C.W. Fromen, D.R. Sevcik, “Distance Relay Application Testing Using a Digital Simulator,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 72-82, January 1997.
  13. M. Kezunovic, J. Domaszewicz, V. Skendzic, M. Aganagic, J.K. Bladow, S.M. McKenna, D.M. Hamai, “Design, Implementation and Validation of a Real-Time Digital Simulator for Protection Relay Testing,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 158-164, January 1996.
  14. M. Kezunovic, “Modular Simulators Match Cost and Performance Criteria,” IEEE Computer Applications in Power, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 36-41, April 1996.
  15. M. Kezunovic, S.M. McKenna, “Real-Time Digital Simulator for Protective Relay Testing,” IEEE Computer Applications in Power, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 30-35, July 1994.
  16. M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, Lj. Kojovic, V. Skendzic, H. Singh, “DYNA-TEST Simulator for Relay Testing, Part II: Performance Evaluation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 1097-1103, July 1992.
  17. M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, Lj. Kojovic, V. Skendzic, H. Singh, “DYNA-TEST Simulator for Relay Testing, Part I: Design Characteristics,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 1423-1429, October 1991.
  18. M. Kezunovic, “DYNA-TEST Simulator: Protective Relaying Teaching Tool,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 1298-1305, August 1989.

Papers In Proceeding of Refereed Conferences

  1. M. Soleimani, C. Affonso, M. Kezunovic, “Transformer Loss of Life Mitigation in the Presence of Energy Storage and PV Generation,” 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), Bucharest, Romania, September 2019.
  2.  C. Qian, M. Kezunovic, “Hybridization Framework for Improved Dynamic Phasor Parameter Estimation Algorithms,” 2019 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies North America (ISGT NA 2019), Washington, D.C., USA, February 2019.
  3. J. Ren, M. Kezunovic, “Modeling and Simulation Tools for Teaching Protective Relaying Design and Application for the Smart Grid,” Modern Electric Power Systems, Wroclaw, Poland, September 2010.
  4. M. Kezunovic, “Teaching the Smart Grid Fundamentals Using Modeling, Simulation, and Hands-on Laboratory Experiments,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, July 2010.
  5. Z. Djekic, L. Portillo, M. Kezunovic, “Compatibility and Interoperability Evaluation of All-Digital Protection Systems Based on IEC 61850-9-2 Communication Standard,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Pittsburgh, July, 2008.
  6. M. Kezunovic, X. Luo, N. Zhang, H. Song, “Testing and Evaluating New Software Solutions for Automated Analysis of Protective Relay Operations,” The 7th International Conference on Power Systems Transients, Lyon, France, June 2007.
  7. P. Zhang, L. Portillo, M. Kezunovic, “Compatibility and Interoperability Evaluation for All-Digital Protection System through Automatic Application Test,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 2006.
  8. X. Luo, M. Kezunovic, “Interactive Protection System Simulation Using ATP MODELS and C++,” IEEE 2005 PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, Dallas, Texas, May 2006.
  9. Y. Wu, M. Kezunovic, “Automatic Simulation of IED Measurements for Substation Data Integration Studies,” IEEE PES 2005 General Meeting, San Francisco, California, June 2005.
  10. M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, D. R. Sevcik, A. Chitambar, “Requirements for Automated Fault and Disturbance Data Analysis,” CIGRE Colloquium, SC B5-Protection, Sydney, Australia, September 2003.
  11. M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, D. Sevcik, H. DoCarmo, “Transient Testing of Protection Relays: Results, Methodology and Tools,” International Conference on Power System Transients – IPST 2003, New Orleans, Lousiana, September 2003.
  12. M. Kezunovic, S. Vasilic, “Analysis of Protective Relaying Operation and Related Power System Interaction,” IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power System Control, Seoul, Korea, September 2003.
  13. M. Kezunovic, “Special Report: Fault and Disturbance Data Analysis,” CIGRE Colloquium, SC B5-Protection, Sydney, Australia, September 2003.
  14. M. Kezunovic, L. Philippot, “Future Trends in Utilizing Advanced Technologies for Fault and Disturbance Data Analysis,” CIGRE Colloquium, SC B5-Protection, Sydney, Australia, September 2003.
  15. D. R. Sevcik, H. DoCarmo, M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, “Digital Simulator Applications in Protective Relay Testing,”56th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, Texas, April 2003.
  16. M. Nikolic, V. Malbasa, M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, “Systems for Testing Protective Relays,” IV Symposium on Power Electronics, INDEL 2002, Banja Luka, Bosnia, November 2002 (in Serbian).
  17. M. Kezunovic, T. Popovic, “Assessing Application Features of Protective Relays and Systems through Automated Testing Using Transients,” IEEE/PES T&D 2002 Asia Pacific Conference, Yokohama, Japan, October 2002.
  18. S. Vasilic, M. Kezunovic, “An Improved Neural Network Algorithm for Classifying the Transmission Line Faults,” IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, New York, Jan. 2002.
  19. S. Vasilic, M. Kezunovic, “New Design of a Neural Network Algorithm for Detecting and Classifying the Transmission Line Faults,” IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 2001 (Student Competition, Second Best Paper Award).
  20. D. Ristanovic, S. Vasilic, M. Kezunovic, “Design and Implementation of Scenarios for Evaluating and Testing Distance Relays,” North American Power Symposium – NAPS, College Station, Texas, October 2001.
  21. M. Kezunovic, S. Vasilic, “Advanced Software Environment for Evaluating the Protection Performance Using Modeling and Simulation,” CIGRE SC 34 Colloquium, Sibiu, Romania, September 2001.
  22. M. Kezunovic, S. Vasilic, “Design and Evaluation of Context Dependent Protective Relaying Approach,”PowerTech01, Porto, Portugal, September 2001.
  23. M. Kezunovic, Z. Galijasevic, “ New Software Framework for Automated Analysis of Power System Transient,” International Conference on Power System Transients – IPST 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2001.
  24. M. Kezunovic, Z. Galijasevic, “ Advanced Engineering Tools for Protective Relay Engineers,” Development in Power System Protection, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2001.
  25. J. Schilleci, G. Breaux, M. Kezunovic, Z. Galijasevic, T. Popovic, “ Use of Advanced Digital Simulators for Distance Relay Design and Application Testing,” Texas A&M 54th Annual Relay Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, Texas, April 2001.
  26. M. Kezunovic, “ Advanced Modeling Approaches and Simulation Tools for Power Engineering Research and Development,” SCI 2000/ISS 2000, Orlando, Florida, July 2000.
  27. C.W. Fromen, D. R. Sevcik, M. Kezunovic, “Trouble Shooting of Generator Differential Relay Operation Using Digital Simulators,” Texas A&M 53rd Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, Texas, April 2000.
  28. M. Kezunovic, B. Kasztenny, Z. Galijasevic, “Modeling, Developing and Testing Protective Relays Using MATLAB, Programmable Relays and Digital Simulators for Power Engineering Education,” 3rd Int’l. Conference on Digital Power System Simulators – ICDS ’99, Vasteras, Sweden, May 1999.
  29. M. Kezunovic, G. Huang, A. Abur, A. Bose, K. Tomsovic, M. Venkatasubramanian, “Using Modeling, Simulation, and Digital Simulators for Power Engineering Education,” 3rd Int’l. Conference on Digital Power system Simulators – ICDS ’99, Vasteras, Sweden, May 1999.
  30. M. Kezunovic, “ Advanced Power Engineering Education Using Digital Simulation,” CIGRE Workshop, 1998 CIGRE General Session, Paris, France, September 1998.
  31. S.M. McKenna, D. Hamai, M. Kezunovic, A. Gopalakrishnan, “ Transmission Line Modeling Requirements for Digital Simulator Applications in Testing New Fault Location Algorithms,” Second International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’97), Montreal, Canada, May 1997.
  32. M. Kezunovic, C.W. Fromen, D.R. Sevcik, “ A New Approach to Distance Relay Evaluation Using Digital Simulators,” Second International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’97), Montreal, Canada, May 1997.
  33. M. Kezunovic, Z. Galijasevic, “An Advanced PC-Based Digital Simulator For Protective Relay Testing,” Second International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’97), Montreal, Canada, May 1997.
  34. M. Kezunovic, “ Advanced Education and Training Using Digital Simulator Designs,” American Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 1997.
  35. M. Kezunovic, C.W. Fromen, D.R. Sevcik, S.M. McKenna, B.A. Pickett, N. Izquierdo, “ Advanced Testing Methods for Protective Relays Using New Digital Simulator Designs,” 1996 CIGRE  Session, Paris, France, August 1996.
  36. M. Kezunovic, Y.Q. Xia, “ A New Methodology for Relay Testing Using Digital Simulators,” 12th PSCC, Dresden, Germany, August 1996.
  37. M. Kezunovic, Q. Chen, “ Advanced Relay Testing and Signal Processing Software for Two-Terminal Digital Simulator,” American Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 1996.
  38. M. Kezunovic, “A Modular Digital Simulator Design for Open-Loop and Real-Time Applications,” First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’95), College Station, Texas, April 1995.
  39. S.M. McKenna, M. Kezunovic, D. Hamai, Z. Galijasevic, “The Choice of a Simulation Time Step in the Real-Time Simulator Applications,” First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’95), College Station, Texas, April 1995.
  40. C.W. Fromen, D.R. Sevcik, M. Kezunovic, Y.Q. Xia, Y. Guo, M. Hammam, “ Application of Digital Simulators in Testing Distance Relays,” First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’95), College Station, Texas, April 1995.
  41. M. Kezunovic, F. Ji, S.M. McKenna, D. Hamai, “ Graphical User Interface for a Digital Real-Time Simulator,” First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’95), College Station, Texas, April 1995.
  42. N. Izquierdo Jr, M. Kezunovic, Z. Galijasevic, F. Ji, A. Gopalakrishnan, J. Domaszewicz, “Digital Simulator Design for Real-Time and Open-Loop Applications,” First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’95), College Station, Texas, April 1995.
  43. M. Kezunovic, A. Gopalakrishnan, J. Domaszewicz, Q. Chen, F. Ji, X. Qi, I. Rikalo, C.W. Fromen, D.R. Sevcik, S.M. McKenna, M. Hammam, “ Design Characteristics of an Advanced Two-Terminal Digital Simulator for Relay Testing,” First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’95), College Station, Texas, April 1995.
  44. C. Fromen, D. Sevcik, M. Kezunovic, “ Trouble Shooting of Generator Differential Relay Operation Using Digital Simulators,” First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’95), College Station, Texas, April 1995.
  45. M. Kezunovic, D. Tziouvaras, B. A. Pickett, P. G. McLaren, “ Digital Simulator Activity Within IEEE Power Systems Relaying Committee,” First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators (ICDS ’95), College Station, Texas,  April 1995.
  46. M. Kezunovic, “ Advances in Digital Simulator Developments for Protective Relay Testing,” International Conference on Power System Technology, Beijing, China, October 1994.
  47. M. Kezunovic, S.M. McKenna, B.A. Pickett, C.W. Fromen, M. Wilhelm, “ An Advanced Approach to Digital Simulator Design for Protection Relay Testing,” American Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April, 1994.
  48. M. Kezunovic, S.M. McKenna, B.A. Pickett, C.W. Fromen, M. Wilhelm, “ New Digital Simulator Design for Protective Relay Testing,” Texas A&M Relay Conference, College Station, Texas, March 1994.
  49. M. Kezunovic, M. Aganagic, V. Skendzic, J. Domaszewicz, J.K. Bladow, D. Hamai, S.M. McKenna, “ A New Multiprocessor Architecture Implementation of a Real-Time Simulator for Power System Applications,” ISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1993.
  50. M. Kezunovic, P. Namasivayam, A. Kreho, M. Wilhelm, “ Advanced Signal Processing and File Management Software for Relay Testing Using Digital Simulators,” 11th PSCC, Avignon, France, September 1993.
  51. M. Kezunovic, Lj. Kojovic, V. Skendzic, C. Fromen, D. Sevcik, “ Trouble Shooting Maintenance of Protection Relays Using Digital Simulators,” American Power Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 1992.
  52. M. Kezunovic,“ Digital Simulators as a Tool for Analysis of Protection Relay Operations,” XX Conference YU CIGRE, Neum, Bosnia, April 1991 (in Serbo-Croatian).
  53. L.L. Mankoff, M. Kezunovic, “ Protective Relay Workstation: Applications of a Digital Simulator,” Texas A&M Relay Conference, College Station, Texas, April 1991.

Technical Reports

  1. M. Kezunovic, “Digital Simulator for Real-Time and Open-Loop Relay Testing,” Final Report, Commonwealth Edison Company, February 1996.
  2. M. Kezunovic, “First International Conference on Digital Power System Simulators,” Final Report, National Science Foundation, December 1995.
  3. M. Kezunovic, “Protection Relay Workstation: Application of Digital Simulators,” Final Report, Electric Power Research Institute, September 1995.
  4. M. Kezunovic, “A Real-Time Digital Simulator for Relay Testing,” Final Report, Department of Energy-Western Area Power Administration, September 1994.
  5. M. Kezunovic, “Evaluation of Dynamic and Transient Testing Using AVO Multi-Amp PULSAR Test System,” Final Report, December 1993.
  6. M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, “Protective Relay Workstation Applications of Digital Simulators for Protective Relay Studies: System Requirement Specifications,” Final Report, EPRI Project 3192-01, Phase I, EPRI TR 102781, October 1993.
  7. M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, “Dynamic Testing and Evaluation of New Distance Relays,” Final Report, Tennessee Valley Authority, December 1992.
  8. M. Kezunovic, “Development of Dynamic Testing Using Multi-Amp EPOCH Test System,” Final Report, Multi-Amp Corporation, February 1991.
  9. M. Kezunovic, A. Abur, “DYNA-TEST Simulator Design,” Final Report, Houston Lighting & Power Company, U.S.A., October 1989.
  10. M. Kezunovic, J.T. Cain, “Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation of Digital Algorithms for Protective Relaying of Electric Power Systems,” Final Report, National Science Foundation, U.S.A., December 1988.
  11. M. Kezunovic, “New Methods and Tools for Protective Relaying Equipment and System Testing,” Final Report, Science Foundation of Energoivest Company, December 1987 (in Serbo-Croatian).

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